miercuri, 21 august 2013


I didn’t make omelet this morning because I had dreamt that the whole Universe is an egg falling from the butt of a proud hen in a bigger universe and the whole time we recorded until now is halfway of the egg’s fall. Later on, giants made of countless galaxies, were playing squash against the east wall of the universe in order to help it hatch faster. Earth found itself in a sparkle of the chicken’s eye as the hatchet cut off its head. Humanity was sliding down a rollercoaster of blood splashing out of the chicken’s headless body and on their way down, they were still fighting each other. As the blood finally settled in a puddle, we have found the general love and harmony we had been longing for since the time Empedocles defined them. In my dream, blood indeed, had to be spilled in order to find peace. 

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