sâmbătă, 11 ianuarie 2014

the # button

He was just typing a regular message to a regular person whom he didn't want to call, when he accidentally pressed the # button. "F...ing hell!" he said.

In an instant there was a screeching of a tyre and a fuel truck was sliding sideways into a tree. Because of a smoker who had thrown her cigarette on the street without putting it out, the fuel tank caught fire and a thundering, violent, explosion projected the passers by, dead and injured to the ground, lighting up the trees and cars around. The driver was heard screaming for the first few seconds, but the cry eventually stopped and was replaced by the sound of the flames gnawing greedily at everything around. A few squirrels caught fire and started running around and then falling burnt to the ground. One of them had time to run directly through an opened window on the ground floor of a building, lighting up the curtains which spread the fire all through the apartment. It was a messy room, with clothes thrown all around, so everything lit very fast. A few minutes later, there was another huge explosion, because of the gas pipe which was accidentally hit with the axe by the tenant who had tried to crack the burning door opened. From the third floor, an old couple jumped out of the window with the intention of landing on a tree, but they missed its branches and broke their necks instead. The horrified crowd rushed to their aid, but then other people from the burning building were pouring down to the pavement, making it very dangerous to approach the corpses.

When he snapped out of his amazement at the scene, he checked his phone again and instead of the # button, was a miniature face of the devil.

marți, 7 ianuarie 2014

Ferma animalelor ferme

Daca ar fi sa lucrezi la o enciclopedie in care sa faci o ierarhie a valorii fiecarei forme de viata de pe Pamant te-ai confrunta cu cateva riscuri majore : ai parea nazist, n-ai avea reflexe destule sa te feresti de "pietrele" oamenilor de bun simt (sau mai degraba simt comun, pentru cine face diferenta) si daca ti-ar publica cineva enciclopedia, oprobiul public v-ar fixa trupurile pe o tabla de dartz; si tie si editurii. O mare parte a comunitatii indignate, ar fi invitata sa va bata ritmuri cu creioane peste testicule.
Prin urmare, de dragul cititorului modern ce nu are rabdare, aceasta nu va fi o enciclopedie, ci o insinuare trebnica si mernica.

In imensa ograda a naturii, am inceput toti unicelulari, iar unii au ramas de miliarde de ani unicelulari.
Formele de viata care s-au dezvoltat, au facut-o cu speranta de-a manca mai mult si mai eficient.
In acest sens si-au dezvoltat abilitati proprii, fie de-a mesteca iarba, fie alte animale.
Mai tarziu, cea mai talentata dintre specii a inventat modalitati de-a domina restul speciilor.
Dupa ce au reusit sa-si domine toate fiintele din mediul inconjurator, nu mai era altceva de facut decat a-i supune pe cei din propria specie.
Uneltele de control au fost si sunt, forta bruta, armele si frica.
In cazul speciei umane, frica si lipsa de scop puternic, tine locul grajdului/cotetzului, precum un perimetru invizibil pe care cei mai puternici au devenit de-a lungul timpului tot mai talentati in a-l trasa.

Pentru cei cu adevarat puternici, toti restul sunt niste animale de sacrificiu, fie ca sunt pui crescuti in juma de metru patrat, fie in garsoniera. Si poate ca acei carora le sunt (s)mulse resursele si sunt obligati sa se consume intr-un spatiu sufocant, au o justificare nemaipomenita de-a dezvolta subliminal o empatie fata de formele de viata din grajduri si coteturi, carora viata le este curmata pentru a satisface lacomia fermierilor.