marți, 1 octombrie 2013

a light

Only the original ideas seem to vanish to one who gets them by aimlessly walking along a silent alley, lit by the pole lamps.
By the time he gets home, he will have forgotten everything because of the ever recurring triffles which take possesion of his thoughts with such an authority that they seem to be incantations of magic spells.
He will have to console himself with writing down the same phrase in which, along with many others, he mourns the eternal disappearance of a gleaming and exhilarating idea, the loss of which he suspects is one of his life's greatest tragedies. This idea would have had the power to unravell an entirely new and glorious way of life. It is because of these losses that the state of Sehensucht exists. For some...


There is a type of individual who likes to declare certain things as being "true". His firm beliefs are the result of a semi-counscious process through which he renounces any further investigation and reinforces these conclusions first upon himself. These are then rooted in his system of values and in his perception of reality, thus becoming convictions. All this, because the mind had lost "heart", lost the strenght to question the validity of the so called "certainties" and by the time it will have recovered, these "truths" would become much easier to accept than to challenge. At this point, the individual will use all his newly recovered mental and phisycal strenght to impose the idea of "truth" upon the others around him, as an innate desire to control and command his own environment. Far from him the idea of not interferring with the ones who are still searching...This is power, unfolding in its most vulgar form.
The above is valid for most of the "good advice" given by feeble elders, for most of the good natured people saying "if I were you" or "I'm telling you this for your own good". As an individual, you must be in a state of constant rebellion against these self proclaimed benefactors, even if by doing so, you will not avail yourself of many a good advice. The truths which you will have discovered for yourself will be much more valuable than the secure path lit by the lamps of these "benevollent" power addicts.
I want to plant this in your head as part of my own thirst for power and I assure you that it is out of genuine goodness of heart that I wish that you won't listen to me.