Now I know, I have also found out, myself...
”When a man succeeds in doing something that required a lot of effort, the arrogance starts to take hold of him. The one who loses weight, despises the fat ones, and the one who has quit smoking makes scornful faces when seeing the one who still bathes in his addiction.
If one ambitiously represses his sexuality, he looks with arrogance and hatred at the sinner who is trying to rid himself of his sin, but is overcome by his instinct. The things we succeed in, can spoil us more than the sin itself. What we obtain, can twist our emotional guide marks in such a way that it fills our souls with venom.
The money that come to us can make us arrogant and skimpy, as the success can turn us over to the frightening abyss of the soul s suffering. The road to love narrows itself when we glance upon the others from the height of the vultures in flight. The kindness of the heart withers on the creeping sterns of hatred, despise, and arrogance if the soul is not ready to receive success with the modesty and grace of a flower... All that we make for ourselves and brings us energy is meant to be returned to the ones that are still trying to flee suffering and sin. Our eyes are not meant to despise, but to express the face of love that is struggling to emerge from our souls. The success is not given to us to brag, as if we were in the mantle of a statue, but to convert them into love, evolution and kindness to the ones around.
If you resist your hunger while you crave, the hunger will grow. Your mind will be dreaming of tasty and special foods, the mind will perceive the most tempting smells even in your sleep, only to find itself the next day converting what it lacks to a defying arrogance to the one who s not craving. Then the hunger becomes an opportunity for pride, for expressing the ego and the proud victory over the cravings. But, beyond anything, the pride remains pride, and the sentiment of frustration confirms it.
If you have succeeded in life, don t cling to another one s failures, so that you don t give life to the the furious worm of the ego and to the lust of the bragging.
If one ambitiously represses his sexuality, he looks with arrogance and hatred at the sinner who is trying to rid himself of his sin, but is overcome by his instinct. The things we succeed in, can spoil us more than the sin itself. What we obtain, can twist our emotional guide marks in such a way that it fills our souls with venom.
The money that come to us can make us arrogant and skimpy, as the success can turn us over to the frightening abyss of the soul s suffering. The road to love narrows itself when we glance upon the others from the height of the vultures in flight. The kindness of the heart withers on the creeping sterns of hatred, despise, and arrogance if the soul is not ready to receive success with the modesty and grace of a flower... All that we make for ourselves and brings us energy is meant to be returned to the ones that are still trying to flee suffering and sin. Our eyes are not meant to despise, but to express the face of love that is struggling to emerge from our souls. The success is not given to us to brag, as if we were in the mantle of a statue, but to convert them into love, evolution and kindness to the ones around.
If you resist your hunger while you crave, the hunger will grow. Your mind will be dreaming of tasty and special foods, the mind will perceive the most tempting smells even in your sleep, only to find itself the next day converting what it lacks to a defying arrogance to the one who s not craving. Then the hunger becomes an opportunity for pride, for expressing the ego and the proud victory over the cravings. But, beyond anything, the pride remains pride, and the sentiment of frustration confirms it.
If you have succeeded in life, don t cling to another one s failures, so that you don t give life to the the furious worm of the ego and to the lust of the bragging.
The success is the energy of love and your capacity to accept life, but it doesn t stay still, it is not like a mountain or like an ocean. The pride and arrogance of victory lowers you step by step off of your pedestal, because, in their own color, they draw events on the sky of your life.
Lose weight, be glad and hush! Quit smoking, be glad and hush! Clean your yard, enjoy the order and let the garbage of your neighbor lay where your neighbor has let it lie himself.
Because between your neighbor and the garbage in his yard, there is a hidden relationship, some emotions that you cannot understand, some feelings that you will never guess and causes that will perhaps remain unknown to your mind and soul.
Between the fat and the corpulence , there is a hidden relationship. A deal. A secret. An unknown sentiment. An unconsumed relationship. A forbidden love. The corpulence is the fat man s teacher. The addiction is the addicted s teacher. And throughout our lives, there is no teacher more severe than our own addictions and incapacity.
Because between your neighbor and the garbage in his yard, there is a hidden relationship, some emotions that you cannot understand, some feelings that you will never guess and causes that will perhaps remain unknown to your mind and soul.
Between the fat and the corpulence , there is a hidden relationship. A deal. A secret. An unknown sentiment. An unconsumed relationship. A forbidden love. The corpulence is the fat man s teacher. The addiction is the addicted s teacher. And throughout our lives, there is no teacher more severe than our own addictions and incapacity.
Now I know that any feeling of hatred, any fight, any remembering of evil, any lack of mercy, any lack of understanding, kindness, sympathy, any behaviour to our kind, that is not at the height of a Mozart s menuet, is a sin and a foul act ; not only murder, injury, robbing, but any vulgarity, disrespect, evil look, contempt is from the devil and it ruins everything. Now I know, I have also found out, myself...“Nicolae Steinhardt