Evolution/Involution is determined by the sequences of events in a person's life.
These events are a like a chain formed by Cause - Effect - Cause and have their rings tied by past and future Causes, whereas the Effect is always the Present.
It is to say that NOW, we are all under the Effect of a PAST Cause, and according to our "ambitions", we are planning the FUTURE Cause of an even more distant and glorious Effect, and so on.
Let us imagine that this chain is tied around God's ankle, as primordial cause.
The more we understand what we experience, the further and faster we create new rings, prolonging our chain, like a dog to whom his master grants more freedom.
And like a dog, if we go round and about, we entangle our chain.
The ability to manipulate Causes to a calculated future Effect is a virtue only exercised by the non-fatalists.
The fatalists are weak, without any desire to control their environment and consequently, incapable of ruling others.
"Learning" actually means gaining the ability to manipulate the Causes and Effects, further increasing one's desire to control the "world" and thus, all things which exist in it.
Error of judgement of a weakling, leads to remorse or even mourning, the fatalist ends up invoking fate and tangles the chain to the point where he is crushed by the sole of God.
In case of an error of judgement, the strong individual will use the negative effect of the initial cause to create another cause which proceeds a more positive effect, prolonging the chain nearly up to freedom.