joi, 24 octombrie 2013
The quantum mechanic government
A modern state should be progressive enough to be well acquainted with the scientific realities of its time and consider the quantum mechanics as a necessary option for the future of law-making and taxation. Thus, a person shall not be taxed or judged according to his/her current socio-economic situation, but according to the highest status which that particular individual might have achieved, after conducting an exhaustive series of possible realities. The purpose of such an enterprise might seem at first as a manifestation state's greed in collecting taxes, but the desired effect is evolution of humanity itself. The question on everyone's minds will be: why not try to be the best we can be, if we already pay for it?
luni, 21 octombrie 2013
The Recluse vs. the Misanthrope
Statement of a born anarchist who dreams of greatness in a wasteland
You might say that the plan of a quasi-invisible individual to strangle ideologically the human civilization is just a manifestation of the syndrome which pushed some lunatic to kill a celebrity, because this celebrity made him aware of his own insignificance. But it is more than that. It is a self analyzed, self assumed, self righteous, premeditated act, by which an individual can inflict another type of annihilation to his surroundings, in order to achieve the only possible greatness. The only one which is morally right: Greatness in a wasteland
Fashionably hanging
The recorded human progress is killing me from the inside, from the outside, crushes me from above and drowns me in a flood of enlightened phrases, evrikas’, queds’, equals to, solutions, psychological revelations, scientific breakthroughs’ and there is no promise for my fingerprints to be pressed against anything great and unique, unless they will be remembered by aliens as the fingerprints found around the neck of the corpse of human civilization. My wish is to weave a delicate scarf which the humanity will wear elegantly around its neck, only to discover suddenly that it had always been a dead man’s rope and the pedestal gives way to a free fall.
In a few generations, humanity must fall! Everything has been occupied, whatever you dream of discovering has already been covered by some scientific paper or another. It has been enveloped by scientists and researchers into the cycle of human civilization where there is no more space for another generation of great humans; just for new generations of test crash dummies.
There is no place you might want to go which has not been marked as the territory of some howling dog of the past, even philosophy is like an exclusivist toilet where lots of moles are crowding in to reek the farts of Socrates and the ones before him.
“Occupied” is the word which comes to mind obsessively, you realize that there are more humans than ever to share everything with: the space, the resources, the glory, your uniqueness… there is a cut throat competition for earning the right to become a human among this throng of test crash dummies!
In order for the human to survive, humanity must fall! Is it not obvious that we dilute our soul(s)? Do we not understand too much and live to little? Do we not find other life forms to protect and at the same time curse our fellow humans? And why is that? Is it not a death wish, a result of a subtle, subconscious desire to help humanity commit suicide? Is it not because we are fed up with ourselves and we despise our own baseness as seen in the others? We recognize the mirrored reflection of ourselves in others only because we do not apply the filter of poetic or philosophic justification to them. How else could we see it? Psychology rendered everything noble to selfishness, to thirst for power and a means of dominating your own environment. Is it then still possible, for an educated, free thinking individual, to go out on the streets and shout his lungs out for a noble cause??
God has already won
Nietzsche said that God is dead; he was wrong, God has never been more alive, happy and powerful! He is still alone on his lofty mountain peak, breathing in the fresh air of uniqueness, with ever recurring joy, oblivious to our struggle to breathe through the thick, foul smelling crowds. He is even unaware of the ones who are aware of him and I suspect that he is closer to complete ignorance that to being all knowing.
duminică, 20 octombrie 2013
Cand pedalezi in amurg si asculti muzica in casti pe shuffle, iar coincidenta face ca "shine on you crazy diamond" sa se suprapuna cu imaginea unui apus rubiniu care navaleste intr-o explozie de cinabru asupra Marii Mediterane, senzatia care te incearca poate fi impartasita doar cu cineva care traieste momentul alaturi de tine, ascultand melodia asta...te opresti si privesti, cu reverenta si recunostinta.
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